Mahmut Ruzi
1 min readFeb 25, 2021


Great writing Martina ! As a kid, I never understood how something that terrible allowed to happen. As I grow up, read more, and take notice of what is happening at home and around the globe, I started to realize it is not a single "freak accident" in human history. Sure, there are extremists among us, both form the left and right, that hold insane ideas, ideas that become reality only after it is supported or tolerated by the center majority, the ordinary. As Martin Luther King said "The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people".

Your writing may have been motivated by the extreme events unfolding in the US, but a more close analogy to the 1930's Germany, at scale and cruelty, might be what is unfolding in my hometown, East Turkestan, against the Uyghurs, by the Chinese state that recently, the Canadian and the Dutch parliament labeled as genocide.



Mahmut Ruzi

writing on science, environment, life and Uyghur culture